The New PlotWave 5000 / 5500 Printing Systems
The New Canon PlotWave 5000 / 5500 (Canon PlotWave 5000 Series) are the successors to the PlotWave 450 and PlotWave 550 printing systems. Ideal for decentralized mid-volume (MV) walk-up printing environments with medium/large workgroups or departments of CAD professionals who require both productivity and ease of use.
Product Features & Customer Benefits
NEW! Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC, 64-bit (controller OS)
NEW! Faster POWERsync Controller hardware (avg. 30% faster CPU vs. predecessor PlotWave 450/550)
NEW! Standardized security features, including AES 256 data encryption, secure boot, and Access Management user authentication
NEW! SMARTshield security suite (data protection in all phases of the print process)
NEW! Cabinet colors (Printer & Scanner)
NEW! Canon brand (replaces Océ brand)
NEW! Earthquake provision
NEW! ENERGY STAR® 3.0 compliant
NEW! Improved front caster wheels (improves ability to move printer without a pallet)
Easy, Secure, and Intelligent walk-up monochrome large format printing
What’s new? PlotWave 5000/5500 printing systems are now branded Canon and include new cabinet colors, faster controller hardware running Windows 10 IoT LTSC 64-bit operating system, and new standard security features, among other improvements. For an MFP configuration, Scanner Express IV replaces Scanner Express III, with identical form, fit and function plus the new Canon cabinet colors (Damson Black and Titanium White – the same cabinet colors already debuted with the launch of the ColorWave 3500/3700). For Demo click here.
The Canon PlotWave 5000 / 5500 printing systems build on the features and benefits that were introduced with the PlotWave 450/550 printing systems in September 2016, including scan templates.
As with the PlotWave 450/550, the Canon PlotWave 5000 / 5500 share a common print engine, and requires a Product License to determine the model (and print speed). The PlotWave 5000 replaces the PlotWave 450 at 8 D-size/min, and the PlotWave 5500 replaces the PlotWave 550 at 10 D-size/min. Note that model and print speed is determined at time of order and cannot be subsequently changed. That is, a PlotWave 5000 (8 D-size/min) cannot be updated to a PlotWave 5500 (10 D-size/min).
New Standard Features – Details and Benefits
a) Where the POWERsync controller of the PlotWave 450/550 runs on Windows 8 Embedded Operating System, the Canon PlotWave 5000 / 5500 runs on Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC. Note: Microsoft’s choice to change part of the name of the OS from ‘Embedded’ to ‘IoT’, which stands for: ‘Internet of Things’ is basically an effort to make the new OS seem more modern. Technically it has no other ramifications.
A key advantage of having the latest Windows OS is that Windows 10 will continue to be supported by Microsoft much longer than they will continue for Windows 8 OS. Specifically, until 2029 Microsoft will provide new security updates and fixes for Windows 10 LTSC.
b) The Canon PlotWave 5000 / 5500 has a new controller with an Intel Celeron G4900 Processor. Compared to the processor of the predecessor G1620 (PlotWave 450/550 controller), the G4900 has the following advantages:
• Operating frequency of the CPU is higher than the frequency of the Intel Celeron G1620.
• The Intel G4900 microprocessor incorporates AES technology, that provides AES encryption acceleration. The instructions are useful if you need to protect your disk or network data.
• The processor features more memory bandwidth, owing to faster supported DDR4-2400 memory. Higher memory bandwidth is quite beneficial to memory bound programs. Performance improvement in applications, that are not memory-bound, will be lower.
• Power consumption of the Intel G4900 is better.
• Intel Celeron G4900 processor is in average 30% faster than the Intel Celeron G1620 processor
c) Standardized security features include Access Management, which previously was an optional license and now is included. Access Management is a user authentication tool that enables users to access the printer by entering their user credentials on the ClearConnect touchscreen or swiping cards if there is a connected (and supported) card reader. Authorization is managed by using Active Directory. Also, previously optional and now included is Disk Encryption License and secure boot. AES 256 data encryption and secure boot is now standard activated and installed at the factory.
d) New SMARTshield security suite enables users to create, manage, and submit print jobs safely from a variety of devices and sources, to safeguard data at every stage of the print workflow process. More than ever, companies and government with large format printers need to protect their most important, confidential, and sensitive information within their office and on their networks. This includes information sent from individual workstations and other devices to the printer as well as data stored on the printer. It is also essential that systems are protected against unauthorized access to print data, printed information and the customer’s own IT infrastructure via printers. That’s why end-users need a large format printer with security features that can make life easier for the IT administrator, users and management.
PlotWave large format printers have been designed with these needs in mind and feature multiple security measures designed to keep data and information safe and for the right eyes only, thanks to SMARTshield integrated printing security technology.
e) Printer cabinet colors have changed from the previous PlotWave “Océ grey” color to Canon colors (Titanium White w/Damson Black trim). These are the same 2 colors that were introduced with the ColorWave 3500/3700. This color change also applies to the Scanner Express IV, so MFP configurations will align in color.
f) Canon branding on the printer and on packaging materials replaces Océ.
g) Earthquake provision – This provision enables to safely secure the printer on its original place in case of earthquake. To avoid movement during an earthquake, which could injure people or blocking an exit.
h) ENERGY STAR® 3.0 compliant. ENERGY STAR® V3.0 is the latest energy standard introduced in December 2019.
i) Sturdier front caster wheels are better suited to move the printer without a pallet. When rolling the printer to a different location, these improved caster wheels are less likely to fail during moving. Featuring 28% higher max. load capacity that can withstand higher forces during transport, and tougher material (aluminum) housing to resist cracking when passing over a doorstop/threshold.
1.3 New Optional Security Feature
NEW! Optional McAfee Application control (whitelisting) license
Optional McAfee whitelisting license enables software which is considered safe to run on the controller. All other software will be blocked for installation. Whitelisting is a method to block hackers installing hazard software or malware.
Stacker Select (Rear Delivery Tray) **NEW
Stacker Select (#4754C001) supersedes the Océ Delivery Tray. This optional rear delivery tray serves the purpose of augmenting the integrated TDT (Top Delivery Tray) which can stack up to 100 E-Size/A0 sheets. The Stacker Select matches the new cabinet colors of the PlotWaves (Titanium White, Damson Black) and is not backward compatible with PlotWave 345/365/450/550/750. Stacker Select is positioned flush with the rear of the print engine to provide a stable surface for collecting prints (or originals when scanning) and serves as the print output destination for 3.5 mil polyester film which cannot be output to the TDT. Note that item #4268C011 (Stacker Select Connection Kit 3) is required for attachment to the printer.
• Compatible with PlotWave 3000/3500/5000/5500/7500
• Holds up to 400 sheets (E-Size/A0) extending the printer and scanner output capacity
• Provides additional capacity to receive and hold multiple print jobs. Automatically stacks
prints allowing for unattended printing.
• Productive scanning by allowing end-user to focus on scan feed / input. Scanned
originals are stacked automatically.
• Automated stacking of scanned originals can save up to 50% handling time.
• Jobs are received neatly. Using job separation sheets users can easily locate their own
drawings / jobs in the stacked output
• Good stacked output reduces risk of damaging your prints so reducing the risk of waste costs
Optional Hardware Accessories
Optional hardware accessories include Scanner Express IV, Second 2 Roll Drawer, Front Covers, Top Cover, Sheetfeeder (Cut Sheet Tray) and Stacker Select (rear delivery tray). Note: The optional Adobe® Postscript 3/PDF license is tied to the print engine however and is not transferrable.
Scanner Express IV and Scanner Express IV License 1 NEW (Scanner Activation License)
Scanner Express IV (#8782B015) enables copy and scan functionality on the printer. As with the previous Scanner Express I, II, and III, this color scanner fits on top of the printer. The scanner gets its power from the printer (no separate power cable is required). Scanner Express IV is compatible with PlotWave 3000/3500, 5000/ 5500, 7500, and the ColorWave 3000 Series. A calibration sheet is included in the scanner carton. Scanner Express IV cabinet colors match the new PlotWave cabinet colors as mentioned in section 1.2(e) above. Scanner Express IV (Titanium White/Damson Black), is NOT backward compatible with PlotWave 345/365, 340/360, and 300/350.
Note: To activate a new Scanner Express IV on a new PlotWave 3000/3500, 5000/5500, 7500 and ColorWave 3600/3800 to enable scan and copy functionality, a license is now required. This activation license is the Scanner Express IV License 1 (#4266C005). This is a change from past versions (Scanner Express I, II, and III did not require an activation license). If no scanner is required by the end-user, the PlotWave Top Cover 2 (#4265C005) is required for Printer-Only configurations.
Other than new cabinet colors, the form, fit and function are equal between Scanner Express III and Scanner Express IV, meaning the dimensions, weight, specifications, features and exterior design are identical. The primary difference is internal electronics. There is a total of 6 different service part item numbers, including 4 CIS (Contact Image Sensors), 1 new SVC Main Board, and 1 new Scan Glass.
Sheetfeeder (Cut Sheet Tray)
The optional PlotWave 5X00/7500 Sheetfeeder (#4268C006) can be used as cut sheet media input for copying and printing. It is positioned right below the lowest roll drawer, regardless of whether a customer has selected a PlotWave 5000/5500 2 roll or a 4-roll configuration. The PW5X00/7500 Sheetfeeder can store roughly 250 sheets (depending on media thickness).
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