Data Solutions Customized to You

Digital Archiving & Hosting

These days, time and space are at a premium. No one can afford to take time out of their busy schedule to scan volumes of information in the form of prints and specifications, nor do they have the valuable space to store them. That’s where we come in!

CityBlue Technologies can work magic for your company. We can take your piles of plans and mountains of specifications and make them disappear! In their place, we provide you with a digitized CD archive as a comprehensive long-term solution to your document storage problems. CityBlue provides data hosting so you can access your documents from anywhere in the world in a fully search-able database all in a highly secure encrypted environment. This provides not only easy access but a great disaster recovery system. Archival or one of our hosting solutions is better than microfilm and microfiche because it gives you greater ability to manage your documents. So clean out your office and turn old storage space into productive usable workspace!
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